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If you're a role-playing gamer then you will know how difficult it is to design a campaign or chronicle while working full-time. The Internet is now becoming a very helpful resource for the role-playing gamer, saving both time and money.

The material presented herein is based on three top quality, bestselling role-playing games.

Cyberpunk:® by R. Talsorian Games

Rifts® RPG by Palladium Books

Vampire: The Masqerade® by White Wolf Publishing


Partial Conversion Dog Boy

Lurking in the shadows throughout the Megaverse, just waiting to move in for the kill, are the Sunaj. Assassins with no equal, secrecy is their most powerful weapon and not even the Splugorth know all their is to know about the organisation. They have two faces yet are faceless, but now the secrets of the Sunaj Assassins are revealed for the first time in this unofficial Rifts Netbook.

Sunaj Ancient MasterHeadhunter

Highlights include:

  • Karrack, the headquarters of the Sunaj, a fleet of large armed flying ships that drifts on the ley lines around Splynn.

  • The organisation and intelligence network of the Sunaj Assassins. What makes the Sunaj Assassins such efficient killers and who/what are their agents on Rifts Earth. Both generic non-player characters and GM characters - including Dreg, Champion of Splynn.

  • The Enginery. The weapons and equipment of the Sunaj, modified versions of Naruni plasma cartridge tech, Splugorth bio-wizard tech, cybernetics, bionics and more - including the Sunaj Glitter Boy. All new weapons and equipment from the Operators and Techno-wizards of the Sunaj Assassins.

  • Details on Sunaj O.C.C.s, including the Sunaj Assassin training programme and the Ancient Masters that run them. New Sunaj Adept O.C.C.

  • Hand to Hand: Giveth and Hand to Hand: Taketh. New martials arts compatible with Ninjas and Superspies.

  • Fully illustrated. Art by Neil Marsden.

The Champion of Splynn


"You ever seen a bloodsucking Sewer Rat flatline a C-SWAT team, chombatta? I have - and frack no, I didn't live to tell of it."

- Satbinder Khabra, Tech and Brujah Anarch

"The Technocracy, defenceless? Don't you read the Screamsheets? Curtis Chai-Kan the Cathayan has met Final Death. The hardwired eurosolo that blew him to pieces succeeded where even Assamites failed."

- Perry Sullivan, Camarilla Corporate

"The Weaver's got a terminal case of cyberpsychosis, and now even the Wyrm's getting all cryochilled. Garou can rage wherever the frack they like - but what they gonna do when a Droned Leech comes callin' with his Smartlink and a Sub-Flechette Gun loaded with silver?"

- Happy Hardcore, Black Spiral Dancer kinfolk

Login and make sure you've got the 411 because the year's 2020 and Gehenna is here. The World of Darkness's Gothic punk has gone chrome and Cyberpunk is the keyword. This is literally the dark future, it's happening, and it's got everything from Camarilla controlled megacorporations to Anarch Nomads and Sabat rippergangs.

This is the Jyhad on deathwatch - the Kindred wage corporate wars against the Cathayans on the mean streets of Night City, Intercops take on Punknaughts and Vodhz in the NCE. Cyberspace is fought over by Netrunners and Technocrats; the losers are brain-burned, the victors are immortalized. Pentex is corrupting the world, first with its Wasting Plague and now with its subsidiary Petrochem and the introduction of Wyrm-tainted CHOOH2 fuels. The Formori are out in force and target anything from an Anarch to a cyberpsycho. And in the Sixth Age, even the supernaturals are getting Cyberenhanced.

Vampire: is an unofficial Netbook for Vampire: The Masquerade and the World of Darkness. It is based on Cyberpunk: by R. Talsorian Games but is not a rules conversion as such, with most of the system being adapted from the World of Darkness, esp. Book of the Wyrm, Book of the Weaver (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) and Kindred of the East, Demon Hunter X (Vampire: The Masquerade).

It is designed to give Storytellers an alternative reality in which to set their chronicles, a reality where it's style over substance and the Masquerade is more of a Charade - the World of Darkness with chrome and a Neon Glow. The World of Darkness on the Edge.

Sample character:


Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6, Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2, Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Computer 3, Dodge 3, Drive 4, Empathy 2, Enigmas 3, Etiquette 2, Firearms 5, Intimidation 5, Investigation 4, Law 3, Linguistics 4, Medicine 2, Melee 5, Occult 2, Politics 3, Science 3, Security 4, Stealth 2, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 4, Survival 2

Powers: Subdermal armour (four extra soak dice, protects against aggravated damage), Rostovic Wrist Racate (six aggravated dice damage, difficulty 6), cybermodem (three extra dice to resist psychic attack), retractable claws (Str +2 aggravated damage), Willpower 8, Chi Pool 10

Equipment: Sharpsuit (tailored armour, bullet soak 4), overcoat, glasses (with infrared setting), Heckler & Koch MPK-11 (damage 7, range 200, rate 20, clip 30, conceal T), paranormal activity scanner

It maybe time for your troupe to reconsider mortals - in Vampire: they're something more than just herd, they're cyber.


Ravnos Ghouled Nomad

Eurozone Intercop

Nomad Kinfolk


Camarilla Corporate

Kin-jin Enforcer

Toreador Fixer

DISCLAIMER, Palladium Books, Inc.
Palladium Books®, Rifts®, The Rifter®, Phase World®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Nightbane®, The Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Megaverse®, RECON®, and After the Bomb® are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® and TMNT® are a registered trademark owned and licensed by Mirage Studios Inc.
Robotech™ is a trademark owned and licensed by Harmony Gold USA, Inc.
Superhero(s) is and Superpowers are registered trademarks held jointly by DC Comics, Inc. and Marvel Comics Group, Inc. Its use in this text is solely as a descriptive term and is in no way meant to infringe upon said trademark.
Aliens Unlimited™, Anti-Monster™, ARCHIE-3™, Arzno™, Aurelor the Magnificent™, Baalgor Wastelands™, Beyond the Supernatural™, Bio-Leech™, Bio-Wizardry™, Black Faerie™, 'Borg™, 'Bot™, Boxed Nightmares™, Brodkil™, BTS™, Burb™, Burster™, Carnage Carruthers™, Century Station™, Chaos Earth™, Chiang-Ku™, Coalition States™, Coalition War Campaign™, Coalition Wars™, Coalition Navy™, Chi-Town™, Corin Scard™, Cosmic Forge™, Cosmo-Knights™, Crazy™, Cyber-Knight™, Cyber-Doc™, Daemonix™, D-Bees™, Dirty Thirty™, Dog Boy™, Dog Pack™, Dragon Kings™, Eastern Territory™, Emperor Prosek™, Erin Tarn™, Federation of Magic™, Fire-Eater™, Free Quebec™, Freehold™, General Drogue™, General Jericho Holmes™, Giga-Damage™, Giga-Heros™, Glitter Boy™, Glitter Girl™, Gramercy Island™, Hammer of the Forge™, Hardware Unlimited™, Headhunter™, Heroes Unlimited™, HU2™, Ike Flint™, Iron Heart™, Iron Juggernauts™, I.S.P.™, Joseph Prosek the First™, Joseph Prosek II™, Juicer™, Kill Crazy™, Kittani™, Land of the Damned™, Lazlo™, Ley Line Walker™, Library of Bletherad™, Little Bobby & Big Drew™, Lone Star™, Lt. General Nikoto Galva™, Macross II™, Manistique Imperium™, M.D.C.™, Mechanoid Space™, Mega-Damage™, Millennium Tree™, Mind Melter™, Mindwerks™, Mount Nimro™, Mutant Underground™, Mystic China™, NGR™, Naruni Enterprises™, Naut'yll™, Neuron beast™, New West™, Nightlands™, Nightspawn™, Ninjas & Superspies™, Northern Gun™, Old Bones™, Palladium Fantasy RPG™, P.P.E.™, Phase Technology™, Phase World™, Psi-Stalker™, Psyscape™, RiftsworksZ™, Robert Creed™, S.D.C.™, SAMAS™, Shifter™, Siege on Tolkeen™, Simvan™, Skelebots™, Skraypers™, Spatial Mage™, Spatial Magic™, Splugorth™, Splynncryth™, Splynn Dimensional Market™, Sym-Killer™, Systems Failure™, Techno-Wizard™, Temporal Raider™, The Anvil Galaxy™, The Lord of the Deep™, The Siege Against Tolkeen™, The Sunaj™, Thornhead™, Tolkeen™, Triax & the NGR™, Tundra Rangers™, Victor Lazlo™, Villains Unlimited™, Wayne Smith™, Whale Singers™, Witchling™, Wolfen™, Wormwood™, Xiticix™, Xiticix Invasion™, Zapper™ and other names and titles are trademarks owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books, Inc.
© 1983, 1987, 1988, 1990 Kevin Siembieda; © 1995 Palladium Books, All rights reserved world wide. No part of this work may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher. All incidents, situations, in stitutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

DISCLAIMER, R. Talsorian Games.
Cyberpunk:2020 is a Registered Trademark of R.Talsorian Corporation. Original Cyberpunk:2020 material Copyright 1994, 1995 by R.Talsorian Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of R.Talsorian Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks in this archive should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

DISCLAIMER, White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
© 1990-2001 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, World of Darkness, Aberrant and Mage: The Ascension are registered trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Trinity, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Wraith: The Oblivion, Changeling: The Dreaming, Kindred of the East, Werewolf: The Wild West, Trinity: Battleground, Wraith: The Great War, Guide to the Technocracy, Technocracy Progenitors, Technocracy Iteration X, Technocracy New World Order, Technocracy Void Engineers, Technocracy Syndicate, Technomancers Toybox, Isle of the Mighty, Digital Web 2.0, Year of the Reckoning, Hunter: The Reckoning, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Mind's Eye Theatre, Mind's Eye Theatre Journal, Dark Kingdom of Jade, Ends of Empire, A World of Darkness Second Edition, Mummy Second Edition, Mummy: The Resurrection, Clanbook Cappadocian, Clanbook Nosferatu, Clanbook Toreador, Clanbook Brujah, Clanbook Gangrel, Clanbook Salubri, Clanbook Baali, Clanbook Ventrue, Clanbook Tremere, Clanbook Assamite, Clanbook Ravnos, Clanbook Setite, Clanbook Malkavian, Clanbook Lasombra, Clanbook Tzimisce, Guide to the Camarilla, Guide to the Sabbat, World of Darkness: Gypsies, Year of Revelations and all other publications by White Wolf are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein are copyrighted by White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
These products use the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader discretion is advised.
Check out White Wolf online at http://www.white-wolf.com; alt.games.whitewolf and rec.games.frp.storyteller

Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.
Copyright White Wolf Publishing, Inc.

E-mail n.e.marsden@btinternet.com
Internet e-mail 101563.52@talk21.com
Copyright © 2001 by Neil Marsden. All rights reserved.